Beyond Profit – The Heart Of Trainingpros

Beyond Profit – The Heart of TrainingPros

TrainingPros is committed to giving back to the community. Our goal is to host an event in each of our markets. To participate as a company in national initiatives throughout the year. In the last six months, we made great strides toward meeting these goals. The pandemic and social distancing requirements provided both challenges and opportunities.  Some of our community service efforts included:

Feel Your BoobiesR Foundation

The foundation hosted a virtual “We TuTu for You!” event to raise funds. They educate young women about proactive breast health. TrainingPros Relationship manager Leigh Hurst is also the founder of the organization. It was easy to support her efforts to raise their annual 5K, which pivoted to a virtual format. Several of our team members donated, ordered tutus, took photos, and posted on social media. They also tagged a breast cancer survivor or two as well. Overall, the event was represented in 48 states and raised over $24,000 for their reminder campaign. Their efforts also help to educate young women about breast cancer.

Face Masks

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, our accounting team was busy in the spring sewing face masks. Over one weekend, they sewed 60 masks that were donated to local health care workers. “Having an opportunity to volunteer with my co-workers was so gratifying, and we felt like our creative efforts were going to such an important safety measure,” shared TrainingPros controller Adrien Barwick.

Feeding America

TrainingPros has an ongoing fund-raising effort to make donations to Feeding America. This organization works with over 200 food banks nationwide. The food banks feed more than 46 million people. They contribute through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other community-based agencies. TrainingPros Customer Success Team leader Michelle Estrada spearheaded the project with resounding support from president Leigh Anne Lankford.

Run Across America

To raise funds for Feeding America, TrainingPros participated in the first nationwide 5K with Run Across America. In addition to our internal team, we had clients and consultants walk or run to raise money for this worthy organization. More than 12,000 people nationwide participated in the event. We were able to sponsor 3,600 essential workers and raised over $137,000! Our director of operations, Stacey Piccolo, summed up the effort with these words, “I was so pleased to be able to do this to put a dent in hunger. To do something healthy with my daughter, and support TrainingPros’ goals with something fun and active.”

Go Beyond Profit

TrainingPros is also a member company in the Go Beyond Profit network. President Leigh Anne Lankford saw Go Beyond Profit is an important way to contribute. To join other local business leaders in community service and furthering corporate generosity.