Podcast Summary “Suneeta Mishra –
Transformational Impact of AI on L&D”
Suneeta Mishra, Director of Learning and Organizational Development at Equifax, has built an impressive career in Learning and Development (L&D). With years of experience managing diverse teams and designing impactful programs, she focuses on cultivating growth mindsets and improving organizational performance. Her work centers on creating innovative leadership training initiatives that empower executives and drive strategic outcomes.
Transformative Changes in L&D
Suneeta highlights the rapid evolution of L&D, driven largely by advancements in technology. The transition from traditional classroom-based training to digital and blended learning platforms, accelerated by the pandemic, has been a defining shift. Digital tools now enable interactive and engaging remote learning environments, and artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in personalizing learning paths. By tailoring content to individual needs, AI enhances engagement and retention, making training more effective and impactful.
AI is also revolutionizing the way L&D professionals work. Automation of repetitive tasks allows for greater focus on creative and strategic aspects of program design. Additionally, advanced AI tools provide real-time feedback and adapt learning strategies to each participant’s progress, ensuring a customized experience for every learner. These changes are reshaping the field and setting new benchmarks for learner-centric training solutions.
Predictions for the Future of L&D
Suneeta foresees AI becoming even more integral to L&D over the next 5–10 years. She predicts an era where learning experiences are as unique as fingerprints, with AI enabling hyper-personalization that aligns closely with individual learning styles and professional goals. Content creation and curation will become faster and more efficient, driven by AI’s ability to analyze complex data and generate insights.
Beyond technological advancements, Suneeta sees a shift in focus towards developing right-brain skills such as creativity, empathy, storytelling, and critical thinking. These skills are increasingly recognized as essential for solving complex problems and fostering innovation in the workplace. This trend reflects a broader cultural shift towards valuing work that is not only productive but also personally meaningful. L&D strategies will increasingly incorporate these elements to prepare employees for a dynamic, multifaceted work environment.
Staying Ahead in L&D
To remain at the forefront of the rapidly changing L&D field, Suneeta recommends leveraging resources from organizations like SHRM and ATD. These platforms offer essential insights, professional development opportunities, and networking connections that keep practitioners informed and adaptable.
Recommended Reading for L&D Professionals
For those aspiring to lead in L&D, Suneeta suggests Hidden Potential by Adam Grant, which emphasizes resilience and unlocking team potential. She also recommends Brave New Words by Sal Khan for its exploration of AI’s role in transforming education, including its ethical considerations and potential to democratize learning.
In summary, Suneeta Mishra envisions a future of L&D shaped by AI-driven personalization and a deeper focus on right-brain skills. Her insights emphasize the importance of leveraging technology while nurturing creativity and empathy to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving workplace.
Listen to Suneeta’s podcast here.
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